Saturday, June 9, 2007

I predict a mess.

I have five million of these things laying around on differing sites. I find that each blog site has a different feel to it. Livejournal, for example, feels like a fandom place where my posts tend to be prosaic, numerous at times, silly, and generally lacking in real substance. It just seems like a less serious, more community-oriented, and, dare I say it, juvenile place. I have no idea why, but I seem to attribute those sorts of feelings to it, and it certainly reflects itself in my writings.

Journalfen, on the other hand, feels like a more adult version of Livejournal, which makes sense as it is an over-eighteen site. It's the more creative place, in a way, but more in a fandom sense, and it is definitely a small place that is very related to Fandom Wank, which I love but have a hard time participating in.

Which brings me to Blogger. Blogger was actually my first blogging site. Then, my friends and I used publishing software on our own domains and livejournals. But, even though I cannot remember the URL to save my life, I know that Blogger was where I started. It seems to have a much more adult, articulate population. And so, it ends up feeling as such.

I have determined that I wish to work on my writing, and have decided to do so here.

Where you write has a huge impact on what you produce, I feel. What word processing program you use, if you use one, what paper, where you sit, if you use a laptop: all of these things have always made a very large difference to me regarding the ease of the writing experience and the quality of the finished product. While I can do creative things on other sites, my actual sense of personal expression seems to suffer. Even sitting here in front of the text window, the thoughts that came to my mind were more succinct and, well, adult.

And hopefully, I can actually work on that style teachers told me had potential in middle school, and make it into something enjoyable. I also need to get out more in the sense of the issues I like to talk about. I need to find more things online to read so as to keep updated and interesting. Hah.

Wish me luck!

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